Sunday, August 7, 2011

For reals?! — It's been almost a year???

Pink Worm Listens To Some Jams

I checked the date of my last-written post and was gobsmacked. I knew it had been a while since I last posted here, but I didn't realize that it had been the better part of a year.

Makes sense, though. The Sept. 2010 date correspondent with the start date of my current paying gig. I spend the majority of my days writing stuff like this, this and (brace yourself) this.

Oh, and let's not forget mommy-ing and...buying my first ever house! Eagle Rock is the spot (never mind what the New York Times says)! ease me back into the swing of things, I figured I'd go with an easy post. My husband just got back from a trip to Seattle and brought back the above print by Chicago artist Laura Berger.

So cute, right? It reminds me of my current obsession, Adventure Time (but, more on that in an upcoming post.) You can shop for more of Berger's handiwork here.

Okay. That wasn't so hard. I have tons more stuff to share. So, get ready to get involved!

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