Yesterday, we got gussied up for a day at the theatre. The family took in "Pigeon Party," a kid-centric hour of well-meaning inanity at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. My daughter giggled, she cheered, she ultimately curled up in daddy's lap and looked kinda' worn out.
The "play" was a montage of three of Mo Willems' children's books starring a lovable crotchety pigeon and was the last U.S. 2010 tour stop for UK's Big Wooden Horse production company. (The center has hosted other book-to-stage performances in its '09/'10 season, including "Stellaluna" and "Strega Nona.")
Tony-worthy, it was not. Two Brits mincing about with threadbare, minimalist props, reciting the books' words and adding none-too-clever original songs. The gist of the popular books is that the pigeon wants to do stuff he's not allowed to do. This meant that, for the whoa!-whoa! price of $18 a ticket, you bought your pre-schooler the privilege of being able to shout "NOOO!" at the top of their lungs, over and over and over again...for an hour. What was I thinking? Once again, Willems is all up in my pockets and, this time, I paid for something I can get (in bulk) for free!
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