Saturday, September 22, 2012

I need a muse like a MoFo

I am constantly reading parenting/style/design blogs and lamenting the lack of p.o.c. represented (I'm one of those pesky people who actually sends complain-y letters to the editor). Now, here's Mater Mia, giving a voice to super-stylish women of color who discuss their different routes on the mommy track. 

I only just now discovered it, so there are probably flaws that my hater-vision will ultimately catch. But the concept is really speaking to me. Wardrobe stylist moms, Broadway actress moms, poet moms, journalist moms [cough, cough]. They all seem so aspirational — it's simultaneously enducing gooseflesh, guilt and nausea. I want in!

That subscription to O Magazine my mother none-too-subtly gifted me is not having the desired life-improving effect. Frankly, I don't feel inspired to do anything with the monthly issues, other than cut up their pretty pictures for use in my gift wrapping collage projects. Mater Mia, on the other hand, might just do the trick. 

So, I'm wondering, where's the L.A. equivalent of this New York-based mothering site? Is the universe — by way of HuffPo and my tipster friend, Tembi — telling me that I should seize the moment and helm such a site of my own? 


It's not outside the realm of possibility. Plus, it would give me a tangible excuse to just go up to interesting-looking strangers and start talking to them (not as effortless in L.A. as it is on the East Coast).

Of course, it is far more likely that I will go have a sulk over a bowl of popcorn. But, hey, after the bowl's all emptied...

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