Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Watch This — Aww Shucks!
Monday, March 29, 2010
I've Forgotten How to Write a Music Review*

Watch This — A Movie Worth Getting a Baby-Sitter For...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
It's On!
Me + Mondette
Art I Heart — APAK

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Shop 'Til Your Screen Freezes
Monday, March 22, 2010
Wantables — Laguna Beach Window Shopping Edition

Caught That Pigeon

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Hello Hangover
Friday, March 19, 2010
Wheeling and Dealing — The Swirl Syndicate Sale Begins

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Hackman and Hair Baubles

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Eraser Crumbs — Snack Attack
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Sun Was Shining, I Went to the Mall

Euro fast-fashion chain, Zara, will soon open across from Caché and between Chico's and Bebe — three stores that are pretty emblematic of this cultural terrain (and I want to stress the extreme looseness with which I apply the term "culture" to southern Orange County). It's an interesting development in a mall where stores have been closing left and right (Kate Spade, Kenneth Cole, Mercer and Forever 21's Heritage 1981, to name a few), or have played musical chairs from floor to floor.
The majority of the mall shoppers around me today were stroller-pushing moms in capris and Gap knits, so maybe knocked-off goodies like this, and this will be ripe for my own picking. Who knows? If it's as picked-over as the outposts in South Coast Plaza and The Grove, I'll continue to ignore it the way I do the rest of the mall. But if it has a kids' section...bye-bye, money.
Think Globally, Shop (That didn't really work, huh?)
Wantables — Pump It Up (or, not)

Monday, March 15, 2010
Watch This — Food Party
Oh, the things I'll watch when my husband is out of town. Pleasures may not get more guilty than "RuPaul's Drag Race," or "Clean House," but they do get more inane. To wit..."Food Party." I heard a little about it when it debuted last June and mistakenly expected more of a cooky, kid-friendly Yummy Clare phenomenon. No, dude...
The creator/host of the IFC show, Thu Tran, is out there in a way that I haven't seen since Pee-Wee Herman — just imagine if his Playhouse was in '00s Brooklyn, instead of '80s L.A., he had a can of Deez Nuts-brand nuts in his freezer and a banana stripper in his living room. Her world is filled with wacked-out handmade puppets, intentionally cheezy props and plot-free plots.
Not only is "Food Party" not particularly family-friendly, it's not even really about food. That is, unless, you have a hankering for green screen cookies and blue cheese-frosted wedding cake dressed with buffalo wings and crudité. (If you're interested, there are a few "real" recipes scattered about her blog.)
Tran is awkward and goofy, yet, more than a little bit intoxicating, á la Charlyne Yi (and, no, I'm not just comparing them because they're both Asian-American). Watching Tran's parade of randomness transports me back to my post-collegiate Adult Swim viewing sessions, when my homies and I would drink beer and cherry limeades while reveling in our arrested development.
Nothing about "Food Party" makes sense. But once you go down the rabbit hole, you become okay with that fact. I'm only salty because I could never be uninhibited, or enterprising enough to try bringing something this ridiculous to national television...and have it get renewed for more than one season, no less (new episodes start April 27).
BTW, that "What Not to Wear" contestant at the Austin American-Statesman reports that Tran is in the ATX during SXSW, should you want to meet her in person.
If It Ain't Broke...
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Watch This — (With Your Science-Loving Kid)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
For the Love of Lists — Dance to the Music
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Art I Heart — Chiratorn

Friday, March 5, 2010
Watch This

Thursday, March 4, 2010
Art I Heart — Scott C

The kooky, twee-ness of Scott Campbell's work gives the dimples a workout. I love how he uses muted tones for his pop culture-influenced pieces, instead of the typical bolder, brighter hues. There's a handful of his prints over on Poster Cabaret and if you're really into "Lost" (which I am not), he's got you covered. He's doing a show in London tonight, but with any luck, the SF artist will be making the rounds on the West Coast sometime soon.