It's me...and I'm smiling!!! A lot!
Broken Social Scene's show at the Henry Fonda Theater this past Monday was sold out, leaving me out in the cold. As per usual, I (possibly, irrationally) blamed Orange County for my missing out. I pouted, fumed, slammed a few cabinet doors, then resigned myself to my fate.
Then, I got wind of a free in-store at Amoeba Records. Further fuming, as I figured there was no way I could maneuver myself from here to there in time to catch a 6p "show."
I was so blissfully wrong. I made it there in stunning, rush hour-flouting time, parked with relative ease and was able to breeze past the line of kids that went down and the block (not to mention the scads that were already inside waiting patiently in the humid aisles). Thanks to a fairy god-employee who shall remain nameless, my way-back Austin friend, Andy, and I got to stand stage adjacent and revel in the all the multi-instrumental Canadian goodness.
Kevin Drew and Brendan Canning were in good spirits, cracking Justin Bieber jokes, offering unsolicited KISS trivia and aping cheesy rock poses while playing. They introduced new stuff from Forgiveness Rock Record, which debuted that day (this was Tuesday, btw). Insert the usual drill of all the cool kids diligently nodding their heads and feigning extreme interest with material that they hadn't yet memorized. [Can I say...God, how I miss being in a room full of people well under the age of 50 and over the age of 5!!!]

Everybody made with the fist pumps and whoo!-ing, though, when older tracks — "Stars and Sons," "Cause = Time" and "Ibi Dreams of Pavement" — surfaced. I would go on record as saying it was one of the promptest, longest, most heart-felt and un-obligatory seeming in-store performance I've ever seen.
Follow that fantastic freebie up with a slammin'-ass burger across the street at Umami Burger and I felt rejuvenated (a feeling that would soon be sapped by a bleary-eyed solo nighttime drive back down to Orange County).
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