Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Art I Heart — Papercuts...of the Non-Ouchy Variety

Over the past year, I've been trying my hand at paper-cut art. I lack the patience and tools to be extremely good at it. All the same, I find it to be a strangely hypnotic and satisfying past-time, so I keep at it.

A short while back, the family visited a group show that featured this piece by Rhode Island's Allison Cole.

My daughter said, "Mommy, that's like what you do." "Mine isn't that good," I said. "Well, just practice," she replied, adding, "I have an idea. You could practice doing it everyday. Okay?"

She's a genius, I tell you. And, while I'd be lying if I said I followed her advice to the letter, I have kept at it in dribs and drabs.

I've also been following others who do it well, like Sacramento artist, Jayme McGowan.

Poketo features her work in their new papercut wallet series and her Etsy shop is full of Wantables, such as these two above. And her blog has helped to bulk up my bookmarks folder with new-to-me paper-cutting resources (hello, Paper Forest!).

My infatuation with paper-based art actually started with the god-like Rob Ryan. We have a small collection of his work, including his book, "This Is For You," which I managed to salvage from a dusty clearance shelf at Urban Outfitters. I mean, can you imagine this once being a whole piece of paper?

And, many breath-taking, Vogue-commissioned paper dresses do you see on a regular basis?

His new site just launched last week and, from it, I have learned that the next time I'm in London, I absolutely have to visit his shop, Ryantown. (Incidentally, if you are a friend or admirer and happen to beat me to London, I'll gladly accept gifts from the shop.)

1 comment:

  1. Simone is right. Practice everyday. That's just good advice for anyone. Smart kid!

    My favorite is the canoe among the black and white foliage and of course, that dress, which I don't believe is entirely made out of paper. It's awesome.
