Thursday, May 8, 2014

Art I Heart — Doggie Wonderland Art Show/Benefit

This Saturday, May 10, adorable emporium, Leanna Lin's Wonderland, will host Doggie Wonderland "Fun Adventures With Your Best Friend," an art benefit for Ken-Mar Rescue.

Ken-Mar is an L.A-based non-profit that gives refuge to "last day" small dogs (the sweet little photos on their site will break your heart). Buy some twee, pup-related artwork (all priced under $100) and you'll be doing your part to help a small rescue dog spend its last days in secure, spacious, butt-sniffing comfort.

But wait...I haven't told you the best part!

"No Finer Friend" by Erica Sirotich.

A long list of artists contributed works for this cash-and-carry sale; all proceeds benefit the charity's tiny underdogs. Cullers of cuteness may recognize such participating artists as Crowded Teeth, Joey Chou, Erica Sirotich and Genevieve Santos. Oh, and...speaking of cuteness...MY KID HAS A PIECE IN THE SHOW! She drew an oil pastel piece called "Monster Pup" and she's the only kid/non-professional artist with artwork in the event. I couldn't be prouder. Fact: We will be planning her gallery ensemble/hairstyle for hours. Is there a "stage mom" equivalent for this kind of thing?

Here's an early version of "Monster Pup."

The event also includes a raffle and silent auction featuring lots of pet-pampering goodies and human-pampering stuff, too, including a gift certificate for BLD Restaurant and passes to the Aquarium of the Pacific and Disneyland.

Doors open at 6 p.m. and the event runs 'til 10. There are a fair number of specific rules and regulations, so be sure you know before you go.

***Dog-lovers take note: Leanna Lin's requests you leave your real-life dogs at home.

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