In the past year, I've seen Vampire Weekend, Grizzly Bear and Little Joy — three bands my daughter loves listening to in the car and around the house. While I loved each of the concerts (not the least because they were momentary reprieves from my wallflower Mommy status), I was saddened each time that I couldn't bring the little fan. She has yet to see her first rock show.
Next weekend, I aim to change all that. March 14, Kidrockers brings The Watson Twins to L.A.'s Echoplex. The concert series specializes in daytime, family-centric shows, with venues in New York, Chicago and Philadelphia, as well. They've booked such acts as Ra Ra Riot, Silversun Pickups and Los Campesinos!, all for little ears to hear. There's even special eats and giveaways — this time around, it's pizza by Two Boots, plus Baby Legs leg/arm warmers and a Daisy Rock Guitar on raffle.
As near as I can tell, there is no boat-rowing, playing knick-knack, or coming around the mountain going on at these concerts. And — though I've never really studied the twins (nor their opener, Choir of Young Believers) — I figure there's no time like the present to get my little homie used to rolling up tissue for her ears and sporting a little plastic wristband.
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