Tuesday, March 9, 2010

For the Love of Lists — Dance to the Music

This time, I'm taking it easy on myself and letting someone else do all the work. Flavorwire has posted their list of "The 35 Best Dance Sequences in Film." It hits all the right notes for me because I've been absolutely obsessed with hack-y old musicals on TCM lately. In fact, I'm watching a cheese-tastic oldie starring Bob Fosse as I type. In general, I'm not a fan of schmaltz, but it's an odd phase I can't seem to shake (plus, impersonating Ginger Rogers does make doing the dishes seem like less of a chore).

The list spans seven decades and includes personal favorites such as Footloose, West Side Story and Gene Kelly tap dancing on roller skates in (the otherwise whatever-ish, as I learned just yesterday) "It's Always Fair Weather."

The list and its accompanying clips is a fun way to pass the time and you get the same light-hearted feeling of watching the movies without having to actually sit through the talking bits. It does, however, have a few hiccups. For instance, where the hell is Cyd Charisse? Oh, and I winced through Freida Pinto's lousy dancing throughout the otherwise exhilarating "Slumdog Millionaire" finale (their #35). And let's not forget the omission of the following greatness:

Maybe they dissed "The Wiz" because YouTube won't seem to let you to embed decent clips of "Ease On Down the Road."

Here's the most recently released cuteness...

"Twist and Shout" from "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"

The hilarious inappropriateness of a little girl dancing to Rick James

You can't front on Rosie! She worked it so hard!

And how could you ever forget Corky's dance from "Waiting for Guffman"?

What did I miss?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you are a woman after my own heart!

    I agree that it is a major offense to not have The Wiz - I LOVE it.

    Get Over It is a super cute movie with a young Ben Foster, Kirsten Dunst and Sisqo(!) The opening credits feature Vitamin C leading in an elaborate dance sequence to Captain & Tenille's "Love Will Keep Us Together".

    And is it just me or wasn't there an awesome dance scene of the German existentialists in The Big Lebowski?

    The beginning of Honey where Jessica Alba battles in da club is awesome.

    Oooh! And did you see Rustina Wesley in the Canadian Jamaican sleeper teen dance hit, "How She Move"? The scene of her crew dancing at the end and she stomps on the hood of the car.

    And an Audrey Hepburn movie where she is a bookworm librarian who is made over as a fashion model has two great dance sequences. One is very mod and the other is "Think Pink!".

    This is a great post!
