Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Shop 'Til Your Screen Freezes

Let's say you find yourself in one of the following situations...
a.) you're sitting underneath an unbudging sleeping baby
b.) you're waiting in a VW dealership for a recall inspection
c.) you're frittering away your life when you should be looking for a job
d.) you're frittering away your day when you should be doing your job

I have just the thing for you...Polyvore. Yes, after avoiding its addictiveness for months, I finally jumped on the bandwagon.

The main draw of this online shopping site is their "Create a Look" page, where Polyvore's simple directive is "mix & match products from your favorite online stores to create outfits or any kind of collage!" It's the grown-up version of Tada! Shop, which I mentioned before. You can even add music to accompany the sartorial mood you've created. A finger-cramping amount of clicks later and you have looks like these:

Um, nevermind my corny username!

You will diligently sift through the gaudy to get to the gold. You will click, drag, gag and covet. Then, you will look at the clock and you will feel so, so guilty.

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