Thursday, February 4, 2010

The People on the TV Are My Only Friends =sniff=

I've, heretofore, been way too cool to admit to liking anything ABC has to offer, but...

I like me some "Modern Family." The show has become something I look forward to each week, so much so, that I can effectively wince my way through the nearly-offensive Latina caricature thrown in as the sole minority role.

I've never been one to really relate to a show (well, not since "Daria" was cancelled...btw, that series is soon to be released on DVD, I've heard). In almost every "MF" episode, there's a scene so uncannily like my life, I start to scan the living room for hidden surveillance cameras.

For example, last night's scene wherein the stay-at-home becomes jaw-clinchingly jealous of a former co-worker on the fast track at work.

Meanwhile, her own kids were in awe of the fact that she ever had a job in the first place.

And a previous episode showing the mom griping about how her husband booby-traps the household gadgets so she'll have to need him for something? I swear on a stack of dusty remotes that are anything but universal, I've had the exact same dialogue in my own living room. Oh, and don't get me started on the L.A. homesickness I incurred when I saw three of the characters strolling past the South Pasadena library (God, how I miss the Thursday afternoon farmer's market — pupusas, lemonade, kettle corn and toddler-chasing!).

Sigh. So I have now copped to actually loving something that's cranked out by what I consider to be the blandest channel of them all. Meanwhile, I click straight through more buzz-worthy shows, such as "Mad Men," "Big Love" and "Lost," arguing that I just don't get them. The once-solid walls of snobbery are cracking! What's next for me? QVC?

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